Grape | Soil | Climate

Grape | Soil | Climate

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Old World Wine Regions

The terms “Old World” versus “New World” wines are used to describe the differences in viticulture and winemaking philosophies between the Old World regions and New World regions.  Old World wine regions place importance on tradition and the role of terroir, placing emphasis on how well the wine communicates the sense of place where it originated.  New World Wines pare described as placing importance on science and the role of the winemaker.  Terroir is used to describe the aspects of a wine region such as soil, climate and topography that are often out of the winemaker's control.

Old World Wine Regions

  1. Albania
  2. Armenia
  3. Austria
  4. Azerbaijan
  5. Bulgaria
  6. Croatia
  7. Czech Republic
  8. Cyprus
  9. England
  10. France
  11. Georgia
  12. Germany
  13. Greece
  14. Hungary
  15. Italy
  16. Moldova
  17. Portugal
  18. Romania
  19. Serbia
  20. Slovakia
  21. Slovenia
  22. Spain
  23. Switzerland
  24. Turkey

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