Grape | Soil | Climate

Grape | Soil | Climate

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Forks of Cheat Winery: Blackberry Wine

Forks of Cheat Blackberry Wine
Forks of Cheat Winery crafts wines from French hybrid and American grapes.  They have 16 acres under vine and are located along the Cheat River in WV.  They have received over 200 awards from regional, national, and international competitions.They make red, white, fruit and dessert wines.  They have a wine for every occasion.  See the full wine list on their website:

Fruit Wines have become very popular and I have seen prices range from $6.00 a bottle to $30.00 a bottle.  What makes them value so high?  I don't know.  There are plenty of community around the web discussing fruit wines.  So if this is your interest, plug in.  

Forks of Cheat Winery makes several fruit wines.  Among them, they have Apple, Raspberry, Blackberry (see photos above), Strawberry, Blueberry, Pear, Peach, and others.  Fruit wines are great for many occasions, from setting on the porch, to serving with a dessert, to lounging on the beach.  My favorites include Strawberry, Blackberry, Blueberry and Peach.  Some fruit wines, such as blueberry and peach are also great for cooking or chasing with Brut wine.  In particular, Burnley Vineyard's Peach Fuzz, goes great over ice cream, chicken, and chased in a nice sparkling wine.  Another great fruit wine is Grandma's Love Potion, made at Hiddencroft Vineyards.  This wine is also great for a cooking and drinking.  It is also very hard to get.  If you are interested I recommend that you call the winery, find out what they have in stock and pick up two or three for the season. 

Forks of Cheat Winery wine lists:
Fruit Wine List: 
Dessert Wine List:
Red Wine List:
White Wine List:
Article talking about the popularity of fruit wines: Fruit Wines Move Into a Sophisticated Realm

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